Claims Management at ISCC
At ISCC, we take a proactive and client-centric approach to claims management, ensuring that our members receive the highest level of service and support. Our dedicated claims team boasts extensive experience, with team members averaging over 15 years in the industry. We have designed a specialized model that includes medical-only adjusters, lost time adjusters, and nurse case managers to effectively address various aspects of claims.
Expertise and Best Practices
Our adjusters and nurse case managers adhere to best practices in claims management. One of our key principles is the implementation of a three-point contact approach for all lost time and medical-only claims. We prioritize initiating contact with all relevant parties within 24 hours to kickstart the investigative process and develop strategies aimed at maximizing our proven cost-containment methods.
Focus on Return-to-Work
ISCC’s standard claims management practices place a strong emphasis on return-to-work programs and policies. By facilitating the return of injured employees to their duties, we actively contribute to mitigating overall claim exposure, reducing costs, and ensuring the well-being of your workforce.
Advanced Claims System
Our members have access to our advanced internet-based claims system, providing real-time visibility into financials and notes related to their claims. This system also empowers members to generate reports on demand and submit claims directly into the system for seamless and efficient communication.
Tailored Meetings for Your Needs
To further enhance our service, we offer on-site, teleconference, and virtual claims review meetings. These meetings can be scheduled quarterly or customized to align with the unique requirements of our valued clients. We believe in open and collaborative communication to address your specific needs effectively.
At ISCC, our commitment to excellence extends to every aspect of our services, including claims management. We are dedicated to working closely with our members to ensure the best possible outcomes for your institution and its employees.