Exploring Safety Services and Resources Offered by FutureComp
FutureComp has many safety services available to its membership. Some of these services are in the Risk Control Services section such as newsletters, OSHA fill in the blanks programs, email safety blasts, and an ISCC safety handbook.
Additional safety services include:
- Risk control surveys
- Safety audits – can work hand in hand with environmental surveys
- All OSHA trainings
- Targeted training – controlling slips, trips, and falls; proper lifting techniques
- Advanced safety training – Near Miss Reporting, Job Observations, Job Safety Analysis, manager/supervisor safety training. accountability
Ergonomic evaluation requests - Ergonomic training – management/supervisor, group, individual training
The Contact for these services is:
Zachary Collins, Sr. Loss Control Consultant
Future Comp – A Division of USI Insurance Services
12 Gill Street, Suite 5500, Woburn, MA 01801
o: 603-665-6056 | c: 603-819-9891
Members click here to access claim and safety resources.